New Horizon

August 16, 2022

Dear Friends and Families of New Horizon:

All volunteers who assist with any school function (e.g., PTO, school celebrations, etc.) must follow our volunteer procedures.  In accordance with the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit’s Board Policy # 916, all volunteers must complete the appropriate forms and have all of their current clearances.

Volunteers are required to complete the volunteer application/confidentiality form listed below.  Along with the form, the following clearances must be filed with the Supervisor of Special Education before you may volunteer in our building:

  • Pennsylvania Criminal Record Check – No Cost for volunteers and a new form must be submitted every year.  The form may be found at:
  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance – no cost for 1st time, and volunteers must renew this clearance every 5 years.
  • If you have been a Pennsylvania resident for 10 years or more you must submit an affidavit.  The affidavit is located on our webpage under parent resources.
  • If you have been a Pennsylvania resident for under 10 years, you must have the Federal Bureau of Investigations of Criminal Background Check at:
All paperwork must be filed before you are permitted to volunteer in the building.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our students and staff safe.  Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank You,

Jason Guzie, Supervisor of Special Education

Zachry Huwar, Assistant Supervisor of Special Education