Girl studying with computer and headphones

The Training and Consultation (TaC) Department provides specialized professional development for educators on a wide variety of topics. This training is designed to increase awareness about the special education discipline, improve instruction and develop positive classroom experiences. Instruction can be tailored to meet the needs of a variety of situations and staff.

  • Assistive Technology Supports – Assistive technology services include consultation, professional development and implementation support.
  • Autism Support – Professional development and technical assistance are provided to address instructional strategies for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • BrainSTEPs – BrainSTEPS (Strategies Teaching Educators, Parents and Students) consultation provides training and technical assistance with all matters needed to support students with a brain injury.
  • Classroom Management: Our training and consultation staff can assist districts and charter schools with classroom management strategies in large or small group settings, as well as individualized assistance.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Our training and consultation staff will assist schools in differentiating instruction for the various types of learners in the general education or special education classroom.
  • Disability Awareness: A general training introducing participants to the 14 disability categories recognized in the state of Pennsylvania offers participants an introduction to the disabilities, how they may manifest in the general education classroom and strategies to support the
  • Educational Benefits Review: Our training and consultation staff can help prepare your school for its special education cyclical monitoring. We offer general support as well as mock audits. We customize our training to your specific need
  • Functional Behavior Assessments: Have your staff trained by our training and consultation staff to conduct compliant Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and learn to write positive behavior support plans and behavior goals for students in your district whose behaviors interfere with learning. Our staff can conduct the FBAs for your district in the event circumstances warrant an outside opinion.
  • IEP Writing/Monitoring: Our training and consultation staff can help you write compliant individualized educational programs (IEPs). Training can be scheduled for large or small groups, or individualized.
  • Inclusive Practices: Our training and consultation staff have a myriad of experiences working in regular education settings assisting staff with how to include students with special needs into those settings. Strategies are effective for both the regular and special education populations.
  • Indicator 13 (Transition IEPs) – Ensure that your individualized educational programs are following state compliance regulations and effective for assisting your students ages 14 and older in preparation for their future.
  • Intensive Interagency Coordination – Our interagency coordinators facilitate interagency problem-solving in order to assist in the design and delivery of coordinated services to individual school-age children and their families. Intensive interagency support is critical when a student does not have an appropriate placement or is at risk of losing an educational placement.
  • Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling – Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) is professional development for educators responsible for improving K-12 instruction in reading, writing and spelling
  • Least Restrictive Environment – Professional development and technical assistance are provided to support schools in implementing the least restrictive environment of IDEA and related case law. We help teachers and administrators ensure that all students gain access to grade level content standards. Training in the alternate eligible content for ELA, math, science and writing is also available.
  • Math Literacy & Numeracy – BVIU provides professional development to educators of the primary grades to further develop their foundational knowledge of how students attain skills in literacy and numeracy.
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) – Professional development and technical assistance are provided to districts implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Instruction and Intervention framework. MTSS/RTII supports the use of data to determine how students respond to curricular and instructional procedures.
  • Paraeducator Support/Training – Our training and consultation staff can ensure that your paraeducators are aware of the fourteen disability categories and know-how to effectively work with students with special needs in both inclusive and special education settings.
  • Positive Behavior Support – The BVIU provides professional development and technical assistance in the areas of individual student consultations through functional behavior assessment and positive behavior support planning, classroom management consultations/training, as well as school and district-wide implementation of school-wide positive behavior interventions and support.
  • School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) – BVIU provides assistance in the implementation of successful PBIS strategies.
  • Special Education Professional Development – Districts, schools and agencies seeking professional development may make a general inquiry with our training and consultation staff. A variety of customized special education services are available through BVIU’s TaC Department.
  • Transition Council – Transition coordinators meet monthly to discuss job-alike roles and visit various locations which may assist them in connecting their students with post-high school opportunities.