The BVIU’s Technology Department assists schools and educators to incorporate leading-edge technology to achieve the maximum impact on student achievement.

  • Beaver County Technology Council
  • Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway – The Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway initiative is built on the belief that school systems can improve their STEM education practices through a positive, collaborative approach.
  • Conference Room Rentals – The Conference and Training Center at the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit, with the capacity to accommodate groups as large as 100 or as small as 10, is an ideal facility for your business needs from training to off-site meetings to business-to-business functions, and more.
  • Data Quality Curriculum – The Data Quality Curriculum (DQC) are free online professional development courses on data quality, data governance and the Pennsylvania Information Management System. The DQC is a tool for local education agencies to increase the quality of data submitted to the PDE, thereby reducing costly data errors and staff time.
  • Data Quality Network – The Data Quality Network holds monthly meetings to facilitate information and knowledge regarding data governance, data reporting and PIMS (Pennsylvania Information Management System)
  • Discovery Steaming Education – With thousands of standards-aligned resources, Discovery Education Streaming Plus provides districts with the tools to teach students to think critically about the content they use, see and experience in their daily lives and to ask questions about the world around them. Curated by subject matter experts into content collections by grade and topic, resources include interactive activities, reading passages, audio clips, skill builders and writing prompts that engage students and extend critical thinking.
  • Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Partnership – Unique to the BVIU, the Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Partnership is a combined committee comprised of Beaver County Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and local educational institutions. The mission of the committee is to connect the dots between local businesses and education.
  • E-Rate Support – The universal service Schools and Libraries Program, commonly known as “E-rate,” provides discounts to help eligible schools and libraries obtain affordable telecommunications and internet access.
  • Math Design Collaborative – The Math Design Collaborative workshop set out to design and develop well-engineered tools for formative and summative assessment that expose students’ mathematical knowledge and reasoning, and helps teachers guide them towards improvement while monitoring progress.
  • Mobile Device Management – The BVIU provides mobile device management including security policy deployment, application deployment, configuration changes and device tracking.
  • Online Learning – The BVIU offers online learning services like online course management and online course creation, utilizing a variety of vendors and Moodle LMS.
  • OverDrive Consortium – OverDrive, is a web-based digital library that allows students 24/7 online access to a digital collection of eBooks, audiobooks, music and video. Consortium districts’ students can borrow, download and enjoy many titles immediately on variety of digital devices.
  • Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) Point of Contact – The Pennsylvania Department of Education has designated a point of contact in each intermediate unit for the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS).
  • Regional Wide Area Network (RWAN) – The Beaver County Regional WAN is a telecommunications network that links schools across Beaver County over high- speed broadband connections. It is designed to more efficiently transmit and share data involved with administrative and instructional applications, such as distance learning, video content and educational software.
  • STEM Lending Library – The BVIU has STEM tools for classroom use. District participating in the library may send teachers for an orientation workshop. Please click here to access our lending library inventory.