Similar to New Horizon School, BVIU’s New Horizon North School serves children with special needs from Mercer, Butler, and Lawrence counties. Our program provide a safe, secure and challenging learning environment that facilitates academic, social, behavioral, emotional and vocational development that supports successful transition from school to adult living. The programs are open to students from any local education agency and focus on providing intense, comprehensive services including:

  • Autistic Support – Autistic support is specially designed instruction to students who need a program that is highly structured with a special emphasis on communication and behavior. There is a strong focus on speech and language component.
  • Emotional Support – The BVIU’s center-based emotional support services provide a structured behaviorally and emotionally enhanced approach to students who demonstrate a pattern of behaviors that may include poor attendance, aggression toward others, withdrawal and poor peer/adult relationships.
  • Extended School Year (ESY) – The Extended School Year program is designed to help students who need additional support to maintain their academic progress and prevent regression in skills and knowledge. ESY services are often tailored to students with special needs, as determined by their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.
  • Learning Support – Learning support services provide standards-based, specially designed instruction to students who require modifications and adaptations to the general education curriculum. 
  • Life Skills Support – Life skills support services provide standard-aligned specially designed instruction to students who require significant modifications and adaptations to the general education curriculum.
  • Multi-Disabilities Support – The BVIU’s center-based multi-disabilities support services provide specially designed instruction to students who have two or more disabilities that may include complex medical needs requiring the integration of related services. Students may also require support in the development of their personal and social skills.
  • Transition Services – Transition consultants provide coordinated transition services for youth with special needs, ages 14–21, with the objective of helping students realize their post-secondary outcomes for further education, employment and independent living in the community.