In accordance with PA State mandates for School Health Screenings, district school nurses each run their own rapid hearing screenings in their buildings. Any students failing that rapid screening will be re-screened on a one-on-one basis with the nurse within two to three weeks after the initial failure.

If a failure continues to occur, the nurse will record the student’s names and identifying information on the referral form for group audiological evaluation and send permission forms home to parent(s)/guardian(s) to be completed. Once the permission slips are back signed; the completed referral form along with copies of permission slips for each child referred are emailed to

In addition, nurses will add known, monitored, annually tested students onto their referral form.  No permission is needed if there is “ongoing” permission already on file with the audiology department but, if new “ongoing” permission is needed, that will be sent home for initial signature when rapid screening failures permissions are sent home.

Once the referral form and permissions are received, nurses are contacted by an educational audiologist within about a week to schedule a day and time for testing at their building. The testing will be conducted inside the school building on the date and time determined. A table, two chairs and a power outlet in a quiet area will be required for the testing environment.

Any nurses requiring assistance or equipment for the rapid screenings at their buildings should contact Pam Stiffey at 724.774.7800, extension 3002 to check availability and discuss any associated pricing information. 

District School Nurse Referral & Permission Forms (Completed By School Nurses)