Curriculum & Instruction » School District Support Services

School District Support Services

Contact: Jill Martin, 724-774-7800 Ext. 3015
District Administrator Meetings:
Monthly collaboration with district curriculum representatives to receive updates, share ideas and think together.
New for '21-'22 Accelerated Learning via PDE:  click HERE
Act 13 - Educator Effectiveness SAS Toolkit on Act 13
Comprehensive Planning:
The comprehensive planning process fulfills the requirements of Chapter 4, Professional Education Plan, Special Education as well as Chapter 12 plans. Staff members are available to assist school and district administrators in utilizing the online “Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal” to design and submit the required plans to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Assistance is provided in the use of the Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT), which is a set of online assessments, divided by content area, designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and remediation. This service is intended to assist educators in improving the chances of academic success in their classrooms through the use of data.
Continuity of Educational Resources and Support:
Click HERE for access to instructional, school climate, equity, online learning and other valuable resources for school district educators. 
The Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) program, formerly the Homeless Children’s Initiative, provides technical assistance, training and support to school districts in nine southwestern Pennsylvania counties related to the McKinney-Vento Act, Subtitle B. The ECYEH staff works with families and community agencies to facilitate enrollment and to remove barriers to education for children experiencing homelessness. Additionally, ECYEH provides free early childhood programming, summer literacy activities and educational field trips for children residing in shelters when class is not in session.
EQUITY Resources:
PVAAS (PA Value Added Assessment System):
Assistance is provided in the use of this PA assessment tool to look at trends, growth and projection targets. 
Text Dependent Analysis:
This support focuses on effective teaching practices for helping students overcome some of the biggest struggles with the text dependent analysis (TDA) portion of the PSSA. Sessions will focus on teaching students how to understand the prompt, read and write for analysis, determine the best evidence, and craft the essay. Participants will engage in modeled research-based and classroom-tested activities to strengthen their own instruction.
School Improvement Support:
Assistance is provided to schools and districts to refelct, plan and establish action goals for creating steps towards overall school improvement.